Candidatura da lista U para os órgãos socias da catolica lisbon SU

A new term, a new beginning.

We, List U, have gathered a group of committed and motivated people, who share the same values, and, above all, aims to fulfil our main purpose: to always put our students first.

For this term, through our five departments (Academics, Communication, Events, Social Action and Sports) we have prepared a plan of various activities keeping you and your interests in mind. Together we will strive to fulfil our main purpose, offering students a more enriching experience. It is fundamental for us to bring the students even closer to each other and make them feel more represented regarding the fight for their claims and interests.

So, if you believe in the same as we believe, we ask for your signature as a symbol of support for our candidacy. Once it is accepted by the responsible bodies, a campaign will follow. During this period, you will be able to know us and our plan better.

We hope to count on you as you always will be able to count on us.

Best Regards,
The Direction Board of List U | Running to governing bodies of Católica-Lisbon Students’ Union

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